@article{oai:ferris.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000795, author = {潮村, 公弘 and 冨岡, 愛 and 船越, 理沙 and Shiomura, Kimihiro and Tomioka, Manami and Funakoshi, Risa}, journal = {フェリス女学院大学文学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {The present research investigated the predictive factors for a subjective adjustment toward a university (college). In the hypothesis model, the predictive variables were four personality traits, and three sub-dimensions of friendship in modem adolescents. The four personality traits were 'self-esteem', 'sense of authenticity', 'sense of self-usefulness' and 'sense of self-affirmation'. The three sub-dimensions of friendship were 'avoiding intimate relationship', 'reserved attitude to friends' and 'gathering in crowds'. The criterion variables were sub-dimensions of subjective adjustment toward the university. The participants were 134 female studying in a women's university located in the metropolitan area of Japan. The data were submitted to the Structural Equation Model (using Amos). A subjective adjustment toward the university consists of four sub-dimensions; 'sense of comfort', 'feeling of acceptance and trust', 'existence of task and purpose' and 'absence of feelings of rejection'. The findings of the path analysis showed that the significant predictive factors are different depending on respective mb-dimension of the adjustment. The distinguishing findings are as follows; while low 'avoiding intimate relationship' predicted a high score in sub-dimensions of a subjective adjustment, high 'gathering in crowds' predicted a high score in sub-dimensions of a subjective adjustment. The importance for educational approach based on the findings shown above was discussed. Especially, in these modern days, some large portions of the students in higher educational institute do not value the academic achievement. It is important to seek respective predictive factors of students' subjective adjustment in each kind of educational institute.}, pages = {131--152}, title = {大学への学校適応感の予測因子 : 自己概念と友人関係のあり方からの検討}, volume = {48}, year = {2013}, yomi = {シオムラ, キミヒロ and トミオカ, アイ and フナコシ, リサ} }