@article{oai:ferris.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000411, author = {千葉, 優子 and Chiba, Yuko}, journal = {フェリス女学院大学音楽学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Much confusion and many theories surround the origins of the kokyu. This paper is a comprehensive study which considers a variety of sources, beginning with a rereading of the first literature on the kokyu, the Kokyu Shichikushoshinshu (1644) by Nakamura Sozan, and continuing with an examination of visual resources, the social milieu in which the kokyu functioned, how the Chinese characters for ”kokyu” are used, early performers, and resources on late 16th -early 17th Christians in Japan. The result is an understanding that the modern instrument called the koyu was modeled on the Japanese shamisen, and that the technique of playing the kokyu with a bow was influenced by foreign instruments. In addition, in this paper the author points on which one must take care when using Edo period (1603-1867) narratives as modern scholarly documents. Finally, the author notes that by studying differing viewpoints throughout the years, we can learn the thoughts and values of people at various times.}, pages = {43--69}, title = {胡弓再考 : 近世邦楽史料に関する一考察}, volume = {11}, year = {2011}, yomi = {チバ, ユウコ} }